It’s Arbor Day. Show a tree some love.

It seems silly to profess my love for trees. Who wouldn’t love trees? Oddly, I had a friend visit once, and she declared, “I don’t really like forests,” as we walked through one of my favorite forest preserves. I tend to think she was having a bad day or purposefully being difficult. Too many studies…

Dark Quotes: Poe, Alone

I was quite young, maybe third grade, when I discovered Poe on the family bookshelf in a bound compendium of his work. While my love for his stories took a bit of time to grow (they were a bit a slow burn for me), I was immediately taken with his poetry. Still today, the casual rhyme,…

#QuoteGarden: Trees, ashes

                “In a moment the ashes are made, but the forest is a long time growing.” Wise words before we throw away anything that has been a long time in building — relationships, cities, civilization. Taken literally, we still have time to stop the destruction of our environment. Just…

Food rant

If you’re at all like me, you care a great deal about what you eat. I grow as much food as I can, I buy organic, and I cook from whole ingredients. They are a part of our values as a couple. That’s why, I find news like this disheartening. Who is behind organic brands? …