
grass made green, burned brown. rivulets filled, cracked dry. heat begged, cursed. summer song reaches its crescendo as we sigh welcome to the first cool nights.   I wrote this draft as part of National Poetry Writing Month. I hope to collect these works for a mixed media/writing piece I am working on entitled Love…

Early Spring Mornnig

periwinkle crowns peek through the melting snow. fog spreads full like a nesting bird on a snowy branch, shivering, shivering. your breath hovers, gray upon gray, making the purple-headed blooms brighter still. I wrote this draft as part of National Poetry Writing Month. I hope to collect these works for a mixed media/writing piece I…

rainy sunset

daylight smuggles a few more minutes before the setting sun. birds settle their final quarrels as night whispers hello. the patter of rain, a fickle lover, leaves one for the other.   I wrote this draft as part of National Poetry Writing Month. I hope to collect these works for a mixed media/writing piece I…

Better Days

I yearn for better days, as I lay new bricks in the garden path, watch a young man’s baseball game. Laugh with loved ones at memories, marbled with pain and fondness. The sun on my skin, the chatting of a warm stranger, a simple meal shared, and looking back, see today was a better day.  …

In the garden

you asked for photos of the garden. cascades of pink soapwort over stone. the simple yellow of a Brussels sprout flower. bloodstained tips of a white dogwood flower in a mist around a spring green tree. These gifts I send to you. May you know peace and the joy we share in our moments in…


graceless snow collides with bare skin. dripping down bark and brown oak leaves. too heavy to float, drift, twinkle. the season fails its promise as one by one, lies are whispered, “Peace on Earth.”   I wrote this draft as part of National Poetry Writing Month. I hope to collect these works for a mixed…


gray upon gray. the last vestige of patterned leaves cling to the trees and calico ground. Rain settles in, an unwelcome, familiar face in the mirror. We are ordered to give thanks no matter how desperate, alone, downtrodden, soulless the cornucopia of human kindness becomes. Skies so gray upon gray the abbreviated days yield respite…


I sat beside you in the night. We imagined we were in a 1920’s car, as we rode in a golf cart through haunted woods. You had chosen to ride with me, on this adventure. The headlights illumined unreal monsters as they leapt from the woods, our laughter echoing along with the hum of the…


untrustworthy September, somehow colder, wetter than October. The burning red days sink sooner to the deepening blue. Trying to eke out a few more growing days as the garden surrenders to your cold, wet tears. September, you have robbed me of more than most will ever know. Your blinking twilight leaves me in a blue…