Exploring Wolf References: Wolf Down

To “wolf down” means to eat like a wolf, or quickly and in large chunks without chewing well. The phrase is most often used colloquially. This subject was inspired by #WerewolfWednesday, which I hold each week on my Facebook page. Also see: Keep the wolves at bay Lone Wolf Cry Wolf Keep the wolf from the door…


broken and stitched from many separate, now dead, pieces. the grotesquery you’ve made of me. we often               imagine much worse than reality. yet not in this instance. the stiches rub raw and red and infected yet hold. oozing between branches, sunlight mottles the damp soil and leaves. where we lie. we talk of movies….


a small fire burns within the cavity I once called my heart. the shadows cast by the flames — a memorial — each a sweet remembrance, a lost hope, a faded dream, dancing on the cave walls like figures in jubilation.

at this point

                  my regrets pierce the heavens like stars   my dreams litter the landscape, sparkling shattered glass in the beating sun. each day   the vultures of hope peck my bleached bones clean — at this point, life has failed expectation. yet for the gift of fire I would burn…

Parting Glances

What is a first glance? A way of saying goodbye. and a threshold enters as much as it leaves. contains as much as it rejects. we work at parting glances, splitting the differences of space and air, a carnival of words, exchanged for fleeting glimpses of a stranger and a desired kiss. caressing fingers that…

Late Season Pruning

Trellis of his beauty, she— A God, he created her in the image of— [woman, women: bits                         and pieces] She is his flower garden. He plants his roses,             he cultivates. Ivy climbs across her back, wrapping around             her sides in formal array. She sobs for his beauty. Irises upon irises, violet. She…