Werewolf Wednesday: The Transformation

The transformation is a major theme in werewolf tales. Obviously, it can be a metaphor for our animal side or the bad within us. How the transformation is handled depends upon the author. For some the change is quick as a blink, and for others the transformation is a grueling process. In  my werewolf series, The Runes…

He said/She said

In writing, “said” is often one of those words we read over or take for granted. It’s almost like “the.” In fact, we often leave it out. But, as writers, sometimes we can get lazy and use “said” plus a modifier to convey a meaning better expressed with a stronger verb. So, as you review…

Thursday Writing Prompt: The Lunch Disaster

Your character is having lunch with either a potential love interest or someone else s/he is trying to impress when s/he knocks over a glass of water with the menu. How does your character handle the situation?         Image courtesy: http://www.publicdomainpictures.net/view-image.php?image=80921&picture=water

Werewolf Wednesday: Excerpt from The Wolf at War

                  For #WerewolfWednesday, I present an excerpt from The Wolf at War, the final book in The Runes Trilogy about werewolves. A few moments later, he arrived at the plaza in the center of downtown named for the God of War, and the carnage made the name…

The Unexpected Hand

I supply the mayhem, you try to survive. Imagine walking in late one night–alone–and reaching for the light switch…

Describing home decor

Not all readers enjoy the time spent on describing home decor, but, as a writer, I think that the home can be a showcase for characters’ emotions. You can learn whether someone is wealthy or impoverished, self-entitled or self-loathing, admired or hated. Consider these two examples: The intricate Louis XV desk dominated the room. Martha…