Author Shorts Question 1: Characterization

I’ve started a new segment where I’ve asked a variety of authors to answer a few questions that I pose. Of course, I love a twist. All answers had to be no more than two sentences. Brevity presents a greater challenge. For me the process was delightful as well as insightful. I love that authors…

Otherworldly Words: Foreboding

Many people’s minds turn to basketball during this time of year. Not mine. I think of Julius Caesar and the dire warning to “beware the Ides of March.” So March is the perfect month for #Otherworldly Words to explore the vocabulary of warnings. Each word in this group foretells something wicked this way coming. Foreboding is more or…

Writing Prompt: Gender Rolls

What if your main character awoke one morning the opposite gender? What would change? Would anything necessarily need to? What about personality traits? Would other characters now view the character differently for the same traits? What’s that say about how we write and about our society? If you enjoyed this post, look around, or sign…

Otherworldly Words: Presentiment

Many people’s minds turn to basketball during this time of year. Not mine. I think of Julius Caesar and the dire warning to “beware the Ides of March.” So March is the perfect month for #Otherworldly Words to explore the vocabulary of warnings. Each word in this group foretells something wicked this way coming. Presentiment comes from a…