Motivation—Just When You Need It

Ideas are exciting. Bringing ideas to fruition, however, can be daunting. Writing is as much keeping motivated as it is a creative process. For most self-published authors, writing is also an act of love. Seldom does the work pay the bills or breed rewards of oodles of praise or reviews. So how does one keep…

A scene from The Wolf at War

For #WerewolfWednesday, this partial scene is from a peace accord between the human representative (Antalek) and the werewolf representative (Roth):  Antalek nodded but did not reply. A moment passed, and he said, “Of course we should not begin until your ambassador returns.” Roth glanced around uneasily. “Where in the proceedings were you?” With a grunt,…

Tighten your #NaNoWriMo Writing

Writing is an art and a process. The best writing requires revision. So, as you finish up your #NaNoWriMo masterpiece, it’s time to think about ways you will strengthen the work that you’ve done (after a much deserved pat on the back). One easy step is to tighten your writing—or remove wordiness. Here are a…

Writing Prompt: …the meteor

A meteor streaks across the sky and then brightens the horizon behind a stand of trees. What does your character find when s/he investigates? If you enjoyed this post, look around, or sign up below ↓ to receive future posts via email.   

Shapeshifter movies that aren’t about werewolves

Originally posted on ADRIANLILLY.COM:
Keep your eyes on these little devils. They will change into something else before you know it! Werewolves are shapeshifters, but not all shapeshifters are werewolves. Shapeshifters is a larger category with other types of transforming creatures within it. (See chart). To show that I am an equal opportunity shifter…

Exercise – I am / I am not

Originally posted on WORDWISE:
This week’s exercise uses pattern as a framework for your writing. First, write a series of sentences beginning “I am…”. See if you can write at least 10 such sentences. Aim to make your language as inventive and startling as possible. You can put in as much detail as you want,…

The power of representation

Whether I have one reader or 100,000 readers, I take the power of representation seriously. As authors, we have the opportunity to create characters, who in the best of circumstances can introduce readers to someone unlike a person they’ve ever met in real life, and in the worst case scenario, we create characters who reveal…

Writing Prompt: The Last Minute Cancel

Your character wants to cancel on an obligation. Maybe it’s work or helping someone move or helping sneak kittens safely out of enemy territory. Whatever the obligation—what lie does he or she make up to get out of it? If you enjoyed this post, look around, or sign up below ↓ to receive future posts via…