These short horror films perfectly sum up 2020

The year that felt like it might never end is finally winding down. In review, these short horror films seem to perfectly capture the feeling of this dreadful year, despite the fact that not all were made this year. What do you think? Doe these films capture the sense of impending doom brought on by…

Poetry in Every Moment

Writing is as much a compulsion as a career. People who write often feel so strongly compelled that they ache or feel empty when NOT writing regularly. Writers often see the world just a bit differently, too. Where everyone else sees falling snow, poets like Mary Oliver see stars in the dark trees. She presents…

10 Songs about Murder

Tales of horror don’t always have to arrive in paperback or on celluloid.  Yarns about murder are a long part of folk music tradition. The tradition continues with these 10 songs that depict murder—while vividly setting the scene.

All Over Twist

In writing horror, is a twist ending worth it? “Soylent Green is people!” “It’s in the water!” “I can see dead people…” You could easily site many examples were a big twist at the end makes a story memorable. But, on the other hand, how many times have you groaned over the “and they were…