Help! My Blog Has an identity Crisis

I sometimes look at envy at those people who share so much about themselves without a second thought. They seem to think everything they do is interesting. Me? Crickets. I recently moved across the country for a new job. I lived on a campus built by a renowned architect where few people ever get to live.

Funny, you don’t seem fake

Creating a character that seems believable is tricky. One reader might read your character and feel like they made a new friend, and another might read the dialogue and think, No one talks like that. While you can’t make everyone happy all the time, you can take some steps to make your characters feel complex…

fall with you

cliff walking next to you, next to death— the two things I love most with moonlight in your eyes is enough to make me weep fragrance of night, of churning sea lifts to me lingers with the scent of you embracing on tremulous rock, listening to it crumbling, and looking down at the stars shimmering…


Scattered bits, smoldering Broken, jagged edges —And the carnage? The carnage— In a moment of stillness, you think This is my life. And you wonder Why you survived at all.

Caisson Disease

When I re-emerge, I bleed. Pressure- less atmosphere expands my cells. Underneath I feel the weight             I feel the hate Of all their words. When I re-emerge, I bleed. Pressure builds slowly, and you have comfort, you could boil             in an underwater vent and not know. When I re-emerge, I bleed. Pressure Crushes…

#Writing Prompt: Cold-hearted

It’s a been a long while since I’ve shared some writing prompts, so I thought I’d start them up again! I hope you enjoy this one. It’s a wintry evening. The temperature is dropping and your character is running late for an important meeting with a potential new client. If s/he lands this account, it…

Being a private person in a very public world

We all know those people. They blow up social media with a dozen selfies a day. They seem to broadcast every single thought that passes through their heads (unedited and unabridged). They turn their private lives into a public affair. And then there’s me. I blog irregularly, post on Facebook infrequently, tweet even less, and…

A Writer’s New Year’s #Resolutions 2021

This year, I’m issuing myself a set of challenges, and I’ll see how I did at the end of the year! Write every day. Every writer knows that he’s supposed to do this, but we find a reason not to. Maybe you’re tired from work. Maybe you got a bad review. Maybe life is just…